Amazing world animation in JS, the 1K world.

I stumbled across this amazing 1K ‘Hello World’ animation today:

The source code is the most interesting part: you’re already looking at it. Try it out yourself, copy and paste the code, or just take a look at the source code yourself. Be sure to check out the other posts from this guy on his Minified JavaScript Craziness page.

All credit for this code goes to Martin Kleppe, amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it, the source code is the animation!

‘AND’ and why you should avoid it in programming and in life.

This is one of the most useful tips about programming I’ve seen. It has deep roots in programming philosophy and in philosophy in general. I find I can apply it not only to programming but in other areas such as data management, time management and just life in general. What is this magical paradigm? Let me explain.

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